Voices of Sunlight : the everlasting colors and energy


Project type: Interactive Installation Product

Team: Group project in collaboration with scientists and engineers

Role: Visual designer, concept developer

Audience: Yonsei Nanomedicine Center


At an age where glass buildings contribute to the speedy growth of concrete jungles, few of us are able to recognize the potential of solar powered glass as the medium that is not only be self sustaining, but also aesthetic.

My approach

As the sole designer in the team, my role was to come up with a concept that successfully captures a combination of science and art to educate and intrigue audiences to see the value of solar powered glass as the next go-to medium to become a part of their lives.

1. Sketch 2. Add colors to form pattern 3. Final concept sketch 4. Revise for physical prototype

Timelapse of project is shown in the video above